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Races (By Name)

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Races (By Name) - Page 2 Empty Re: Races (By Name)

Post  Captain Peanut Butter Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:54 pm


      Genies are a mysterious, shapeshifting spirit race that hail from a mysterious spiritual plane often contacted by priests in desert lands. They are known for their cunning, and possessing the same free will as humans, may be good or evil. Due to their powerful magic and mischievous demeanors, the gods decreed that they should be bound to objects that more responsible mortals might direct their power and prevent the universe from collapsing.

   Minimum Attributes:: None
   Attribute Adjustments:: +4 Magic, +2 Resistance, +2 Swiftness; genies are magical creatures with great speed.
   Pre-selected Abilities:: Genies must take Shapeshift, Etherealness, and Flight.
   Unique Abilities:

   Ability: Grant Wish (Utility Power)
   Description: Genies possess the supernatural ability to grant wishes to their owners.
   Mechanic: You may alter the subjective reality of any character that currently possesses the item you are tethered to (see Soul Tether, below) at the specification of any sentence they utter with the word “wish” in it. At the moment you activate this ability, which has no save, the subject vanishes from this reality and appears in an alternate reality where their wish has come to pass as you specify. They can only escape from this reality by making another wish (changing reality again) or wishing the wish had never occurred, which returns them to their home reality.

   Pre-selected Weaknesses: Weakness; Outsider; moderate. A genie is forever an outsider to our world, being native to a spiritual plane beyond. In addition to the normal uses, Exorcise Spirit can be used with the intent of driving a genie back to its plane of origin. If this is the case, the genie must either make a successful Resistance check against the attacker or be removed from play for the remainder of that day in-game (this is as long as the spiritual barrier can hold them back). (0 points gained; these points add +3 Magic and +2 Swiftness).

Weakness: Soul Tether (object); moderate. At the beginning of play, choose a small object that can easily be carried, such as a lamp or vase. The severity is increased to moderate because you can’t move this object yourself, but any other non-genie can, who in turn you must grant any wish as outlined above. (2 points gained; the remaining points add +1 Magic and +2 Resistance).

Captain Peanut Butter
Captain Peanut Butter

Number of posts : 477
Age : 39
Registration date : 2008-11-24


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Races (By Name) - Page 2 Empty Re: Races (By Name)

Post  Captain Peanut Butter Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:56 am

      Sharing the forests with the elf, pixie, and dryad is a creature every bit as much a part of their world but by no means as gentle. The mighty centaurs are a warrior race that is well known for their strength and speed. They resemble humans above the waists and horses below. Staunch defenders of their homelands, a centaur is a powerful ally or a relentless enemy.

   Minimum Attributes:: None
   Attribute Adjustments:: +4 Attack, +2 Defense, +3 Endurance, +2 Swiftness; Centaurs are mighty warriors and incredibly fast.
   Pre-selected Abilities:: Centaurs must take Bow And Arrow, Long Sword, Shield, and Mount
   Unique Abilities: None
   Pre-selected Weaknesses: Large Size; moderate.

Weakness: Philia (War); minor

Weakness: Inconcealable Nature; minor. Centaurs have a difficult time concealing their inhuman form even by magic and take a -4 penalty on all checks with Shapeshift. (0 points gained; these points add +3 Endurance).

Captain Peanut Butter
Captain Peanut Butter

Number of posts : 477
Age : 39
Registration date : 2008-11-24


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Races (By Name) - Page 2 Empty Re: Races (By Name)

Post  Miss Mustard Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:49 am

   Balaurians claim their race was born when a group of mages and dragons decided to try and prove that human and dragon could live successfully as one. They merged forms, giving birth to a new race that could shift between the two forms at will. The race settled on a planet that they named Balaur and flourished for thousands of years before a catastrophe caused the planet's core to become unstable and the planet was destroyed, taking the majority of the race with it. The rest were scattered among the populations of many worlds, struggling to retain their culture while trying to blend in with the natives of their new homes.

   Minimum Attributes: Defense 2, Attack 2
   Attribute Adjustments: +2 Attack, +10 Magic, +2 Swiftness, -2 Defense; Balaurians created by magic and are drenched in it still, and are extremely fast, but they seem a little unprepared for incoming attacks.
   Pre-selected Abilities: Balaurians must take Bite, Claws, Shapeshift, Enhance Magic, Enhance Resistance, Fire Attack, and Flight

Unique Abilities:

   Ability: Breath Weapon (Magical Attack)
   Description: Dragons can expel their magical attacks in a stunning burst of power from their throats.
   Mechanic: Any magical attack can be used on a number of opponents equal to the dragons Magic modifier. The opponents selected must be close enough to attack each other with weapons that require you to be in reach of your opponent. This ability can be used at a range, as long as you can see your opponent. This ability may be combined with one magical attack per turn, but not with any physical attacks in the same turn.

   Pre-selected Weaknesses:
    Limited Shapeshift (dragon); moderate. Balaurians can only use the shapechange ability to transform into humanoids or their dragon form. (0 points gained; the points are represented by the +5 Magic).

    Honor Code (Drove First); severe. Balaurians must make a Resistance check against their own Magic to perform an act that would harm, or otherwise endanger, their Drove (community). If they fail, they are unable to take the desired action; they simply cannot bring themselves to do it. Balaurians suffer a -6 on this check. (0 points gained; the points are represented by +5 Magic and +2 Attack.)


Last edited by Miss Mustard on Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:11 am; edited 1 time in total
Miss Mustard
Miss Mustard

Number of posts : 80
Registration date : 2009-11-27

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Races (By Name) - Page 2 Empty Re: Races (By Name)

Post  Miss Mustard Thu Jan 07, 2010 5:06 pm

   Nezumimi are a race of rodent-like people. Naturally curious, and exceedingly fast, the Nezumimi are technically supernatural creatures. Most of their communities are located in vast underground labyrinths, even when they have an entire planet to themselves. They prefer to maintain a distance from other humanoid races, but have been known to have trade agreements.

   Minimum Attributes:: Magic 3, Resistance 2
   Attribute Adjustments:: +5 Magic, +2 Swiftness, -2 Resistance; Nezumimi are very fast, but also easily rattled.
   Pre-selected Abilities:: Nezumimi must take Awareness, Burrow, Shapeshift, Silence, and Stealth
   Unique Abilities: None
   Pre-selected Weaknesses:
   Limited Shapeshift (rodent-Like); moderate. Nezumimi can only use the shapechange ability to transform into humanoids, rodents, or their natural human-rodent hybrid forms. (0 points gained; these points grant +5 Magic).

Miss Mustard
Miss Mustard

Number of posts : 80
Registration date : 2009-11-27

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Races (By Name) - Page 2 Empty Re: Races (By Name)

Post  Miss Mustard Thu Jan 07, 2010 5:07 pm

   Tengu are a race of bird-like people. They prefer to spread communities thinly over several miles. It is not uncommon for a family to go weeks without seeing another Tengu. Even in kindness, a Tengu seems aloof.

   Minimum Attributes:: Magic 1, Attack 2
   Attribute Adjustments:: +5 Magic, +2 Swiftness, -2 Endurance; Tengu are very fast, but their hollowed frames make them weaker.
   Pre-selected Abilities:: Tengu must take Awareness, Claws, Flight, Shapeshift, and Silence
   Unique Abilities: None
   Pre-selected Weaknesses:
    Limited Shapeshift (bird-Like); moderate. Tengu can only use the shapechange ability to transform into humanoids, birds, or their natural human-bird hybrid forms. (0 points gained; these points grant +5 Magic).

Miss Mustard
Miss Mustard

Number of posts : 80
Registration date : 2009-11-27

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Races (By Name) - Page 2 Empty Re: Races (By Name)

Post  Miss Mustard Thu Jan 07, 2010 5:08 pm

   The Nyoka are a race of snake-people. Their creation legend says that Yemoja gave birth to the first Nyoka after an affair with Danh. They even worship snakes as symbols of life and death. They hail from Southan’s great desert and built the desert’s three greatest cities: Zinja, Zinzi, and Zinzu.

    Minimum Attributes:: None
    Attribute Adjustments:: +6 Magic, +2 Attack
   Pre-selected Abilities: Nyoka must select Awareness, Bite, Poison Attack, and Shapeshift.
    Unique Abilities: None
   Pre-selected Weaknesses:
    Limited Shapechange (Snake-Like); moderate. Nyoka can only use the shapechange ability to transform into humanoids, snakes, or their natural human-snake hybrid forms. (0 points gained; these points grant +3 Magic and +2 Attack).

    Cold-Blooded; minor. Nyoka become lethargic in cold temperatures causing them to suffer a -2 on Swiftness rolls. (0 points gained; these points add +3 Magic).

Miss Mustard
Miss Mustard

Number of posts : 80
Registration date : 2009-11-27

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Races (By Name) - Page 2 Empty Re: Races (By Name)

Post  Miss Mustard Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:40 am


    The Luksi are a race of anthropomorphic turtles. They make their home in the sea caves of the Visiwa Islands. Though they spend most of their time under water, they are capable of being on land for short periods of time. They are a shy race, rarely communicating with strangers. Thus there is very little known about them.

   Minimum Attributes: Attack 2
   Attribute Adjustments: +2 Magic, +2 Defense, +2 Swiftness, -2 Attack; Luksi are gentle spirits, seemingly incapable of attacking other races.
   Pre-selected Abilities: Luksi must take Water Attack, Heavy Armor, and Swim.
   Unique Abilities: None

   Ability: None

   Pre-selected Weaknesses:

    Call of the Sea; moderate. Luksi must be completely submersed in water at least once a day, or they begin to suffocate, losing 1 hp per 3 turns they remain without submersion after this time. (0 points earned; these points are represented by +2 Magic, +2 Swiftness, and +1 Defense).

    Gentle Nature; minor. Luksi must make a Resistance check against their own Magic to perform an act that is anything but defensive, either of themselves or others. If they fail, they are unable to take the desired action; they simply cannot bring themselves to do it. (2 points earned; the other point is represented by +1 Defense)

Miss Mustard
Miss Mustard

Number of posts : 80
Registration date : 2009-11-27

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Races (By Name) - Page 2 Empty Re: Races (By Name)

Post  Captain Peanut Butter Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:57 pm

      If succubi are the epitome of lust, then the sin most embodied by gluttons speaks for itself. Eternally cursed with a hunger that goes beyond all reason, gluttons are the living personification of excess. They will eat absolutely anything and do so by a strange magical process poorly understood by scholars that lets them simply “absorb” weapons, spells, and the like into their being temporarily.

   Minimum Attributes:: None
   Attribute Adjustments:: +2 Attack, +2 Endurance, +8 Magic; Gluttons are strong, hardy foes gifted with foul magical powers.
   Pre-selected Abilities:: Gluttons must take Pick Pocket, Borrow Power, Silence, and Stealth
   Unique Abilities:

   Ability: Endless Hunger (Utility Power)
   Description: Gluttons are cursed with an unholy hunger that goes beyond all reason.
   Mechanic: Gluttons recieve a bonus on all Attack checks to use Pick Pocket and Magic checks to use Borrow Power equal to 4 + their current level. Using this ability is automatic.

   Pre-selected Weaknesses: Price Of Glutton; severe. Gluttons can only have one ability attained at a time via the use of Pick Pocket and Borrow Power, respectively, for a total of two. (This weakness grants +2 Attack, +4 Magic, and +1 Endurance)

Need To Feed; moderate. Gluttons have an endless need to consume. A glutton who does not use Pick Pocket or Borrow Power on another sentient creature at least once a day becomes increasingly fatigued, taking a cumulative -2 penalty on Attack and Defense checks each day it goes without feeding in this manner. (0 points gained; these points add +1 Endurance and +4 Magic).

Captain Peanut Butter
Captain Peanut Butter

Number of posts : 477
Age : 39
Registration date : 2008-11-24


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